Hochul hires law firm to probe harassment in state government

Gov. Kathy Hochul says she’s working to create a safe work environment by retaining an independent law firm to investigate all claims of workplace discrimination or harassment. It comes after she promised to restore faith in Albany.

When she took office, Hochul promised to change the culture in Albany, after the attorney general’s report regarding former Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the toxic work environment they said he created.

Hochul says she sent out a video message to all state workers. It informs workers how to file a complaint of unlawful harassment or discrimination, including how they can do so confidentially.

She said she’s working to create a safe work environment by retaining an independent law firm to investigate all claims of workplace discrimination or harassment.

This is a continuation of the work the governor has put in to change this culture.

She says she has replaced all chamber staff who had been named in that attorney general report regarding Cuomo, contributing to that toxic work environment.

Hochul says nearly 200 chamber employees have taken part in mandatory ethics training since she has taken office. She also announced a new human resources department within the Executive Chamber.