Veteran care packages delivered in Troy
TROY — Tom Keenan, also known as Gus, is a World War Two veteran.
He was among the veterans who got a large care package, thanks to Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 38.
"I’m just thankful, being so close to Thanksgiving, naturally," he said. "I just want to thank everybody for what they do to help us out."
The group was at the Peter Guenette Apartments in Lansingburgh, with another stop at Kennedy Towers in Troy.
They got some names of veterans from Tom Hulihan of the Troy Housing Authority.

The gift bags included a jacket, socks, hat, gloves, toiletries, and a turkey meal, plus a gift card for other necessities.
The DAV does this every year.
"From one veteran to another we’re all comrades. We all served. It’s just amazing. When you get with another veteran, you feel like you’re family," said Joe Simonik, Commander of DAV Chapter 38. "Every year we come here, it’s just like taking care of your family."
At the Guenette apartments, the residents, 60 to 94 years in age, all served our country.
The complex is named for Lansingburgh native Peter Guenette, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who sacrificed his life for others in Vietnam by taking the blast of a grenade.
His brother Michael was there to help give out the bags. The care packages were gifts, and also a show of support for our veterans and their service.
"It means everything," said Keenan. "Of course, I’m not in desperate straits, but it’s good to know that people are backing you up and helping you out."