U.S. Postal Service machine error mangles W-2s of Albany County workers

Seen here is a bag with a message from the U.S. Postal Service apologizing for damage caused to Albany County workers' W-2s by a mail sorter.
The U.S. Postal Service is apologizing for a problem that resulted in W-2s of Albany County workers getting damaged.
County spokeswoman Mary Rozak said the county’s Human Resources Department informed them that several employees may have had the W-2s damaged or ripped open after being sent in the mail. She said she understands that other companies may have been affected.
The county was informed that a U.S. Postal Service sorting machine is responsible for tearing apart the documents, unsealing them and mangling them, according to Rozak.
Everything was sealed properly when delivered to the postal service, Rozak added, or they would have not accepted the mail.
U.S. Postal Service spokesman Mark Lawrence said that the W-2s became unsealed by the high-speed sorting machines during processing.
“Though rare, this occasionally happens with envelopes containing insufficient or ineffective glue, perforations, or paper quality during mail processing. We apologize to the impacted customers.”
Lawrence said the agency has forwarded each piece of mail, including the unsealed letters, for delivery to ensure that customers receive them as soon as possible.
The Times Union was first to report the story.