Frequency of hair washing may depend on age, hair length

Age,. hair length will affect how often you should wash your hair

Age,. hair length will affect how often you should wash your hair

When it comes to washing your hair, how often you do it depends on many factors.

Whether you go every other day or longer between lathering up, washing your hair is crucial to keep it healthy.

“Washing your hair is key to keeping bacteria and yeast counts down to minimize dandruff or any inflammation in the scalp,” explained Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, a dermatologist for Cleveland Clinic. 

Factors like age, hair length and hair type determine how frequently you should wash your hair, according to Dr. Khetarpal.

Younger people tend to have oilier hair and might need to wash it more, while it may be the opposite for older adults, since oil glands in the scalp become less active with age.

It’s also important to keep in mind that those with longer or curly hair can experience more dryness.

Washing your hair too often can dry it out even more and lead to breakage, Dr. Khetarpal said.

On the other hand, there are some clear signs you’re not washing your hair enough.

“If you start experiencing things like itching, redness, flaking and dandruff – those could all be signs you’re allowing that yeast to overgrow in the scalp,” Dr. Khetarpal said. 

Dr. Khetarpal added you can try a medicated shampoo to address dandruff or other issues with the scalp, but it’s best to see a dermatologist if these problems persist.