Finding proper eclipse glasses extremely important to protect eyes

Finding proper eclipse glasses extremely important to protect eyes

With a total solar eclipse coming April 8, it's important to make sure you're taking proper safety precautions.

With a total solar eclipse coming April 8, it’s important to make sure you’re taking proper safety precautions.

According to the American Astronomical Society, or AAS, there is only one safe way to directly look at the sun during a solar eclipse when it’s not covered by the moon.

You need a pair of solar eclipse glasses or a handheld viewer.

You can buy these glasses online or in some stores. However, you must make sure they’re safe to use.
First, the AAS advises people not to search for eclipse glasses on the internet and buy whatever pops up in the ads or search results.

The AAS has a list of manufacturers on its website, so you’re encouraged to go there directly.
The glasses must meet the safety requirements of the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard and come from reputable manufacturers.

There have been some companies selling counterfeit glasses, so it’s important to pay attention to what you’re buying.

If you don’t buy the correct glasses, or don’t wear any at all, you’re risking serious damage to your eyes.
It’s important to mention that regular sunglasses are not a safe replacement.

If you want to snag a free pair of eclipse glasses – a limited quantity of I ❤ NY glasses are now available at 30 locations throughout the state. 

Glasses will be limited to two pairs per person, while supplies last, with a limited amount distributed daily.

The glasses are approved by the New York State Department of Health and carry an ISO certification.