Save A Life Blood Drive to begin Thursday

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More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day, and you could be the one to help.

NewsChannel 13 is partnering with five locations across the Capital Region on Thursday, April 13.

Cathy Boden, account manager with the American Red Cross, hopes people come out to give the gift of life.

“It’s just really a community feeling, and you know that at that moment you are literally making someone’s life better. Donating blood to me is one of the most tangible ways to give back because within hours your donation is making its way to people that need it,” Boden said.

Your blood donation help people like Laura Casenllini.

A survivor of a devastating car crash that left her with a traumatic brain injury back in 2011. She needed five units of blood to save her life.

All blood types are needed and welcome.

MORE: Save a Life Blood Drive