Watch out for ticks when enjoying the outdoors

Be careful of ticks when being outside

Use repellent, wear long-sleeved shirts to remove ticks if you are bitten.

If you enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to keep an eye out for ticks.

Ticks can carry all kinds of diseases. They are typically found in wooded areas or places with tall grass.

To help avoid being bit, a doctor with the Cleveland Clinic recommends using repellent and wearing long-sleeved, light-colored clothing.

If a tick does bite, it’s important to properly remove it using a good pair of tweezers. Go where the head is attached to the skin and pull straight up with a nice, steady pressure.

Once you remove the tick, wash the area with soap and water so it doesn’t get infected.

You should also be on the lookout for any symptoms like fever, aches, pains and rashes.