Caught on video: Vandals slash Rotterdam backyard pool

Vandals slash backyard pool in Rotterdam

A Rotterdam couple was excited to get their pool ready for grandkids this summer. But as security video shows, vandals came in and destroyed those plans.

A Rotterdam man saw young people in his driveway. His wife was shocked at what she saw when she went out back: water shooting from the side of the backyard pool from two sharp slices that went right through.

“Just yesterday, we had put the hose in for a couple hours, and when I came home from church, I put the water on again to fill it because we were getting ready to open it,” said Cindy.

Security video shows two people, one wearing a mask, crouching a little as they sneak into the backyard. It doesn’t take long to do a lot of damage.

You can just make out the sounds of the attack on the pool, and then you can hear them laughing as they ran away.

Cindy doesn’t think repairs will be enough.

“So if we were to, say, patch the slashes, put in a new liner, and refill it again, there’s no guarantee that it’s not going to break through again.”

“And it’s not easy,” she said. “I mean, years ago, my husband could throw up a pool no problem. But now we have to hire somebody to do it. Possibly hire somebody to take it down.”

It was a shock to the retired couple. They were looking forward to a fun summer with family.

“It’s extremely crazy, and the fact that the one kid had a mask on, it’s like, was it pre-meditated? I don’t know, and why us, you know?”

“Even if they do catch the kids, I would like to ask them why us, you know. What did we do to you, if anything, or were we just a random act of violence?”

Anyone with information is asked to call Rotterdam police. They are investigating, they told NewsChannel 13.