Important for athletes to replenish lost electrolytes

Important for athletes to replenish lost electrolytes

Hot weather can sideline young athletes by burning up important fluids they need. Hydration can improve physical play and boost mental abilities. A pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic recommends keeping the three "Rs" in mind – replacement, replenishment and recovery.

Hot weather can sideline young athletes by burning up important fluids they need.

Hydration can improve physical play and boost mental abilities.

Dr. Richard So, a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic, recommends keeping the three “Rs” in mind – replacement, replenishment and recovery.

The best way to replace fluids is to drink water.

Pickle juice and sports drinks can help replenish lost electrolytes.

Chocolate milk is a great way to help the body bounce back after a workout.

It is also suggested to hydrate long before taking the field.

“The hydration starts the morning before you get to practice, so don’t skip meals. Drink a bottle of water with your breakfast in addition to whatever you’re going to have for your meal, it’s preventing these types of heat illness and dehydration injuries, which are very interrelated. That’s the best bet for our kids to be safe,” said So. “If an athlete is suffering heat symptoms during a game, it’s important to get them off the field and give them plenty of fluids.”