Saratoga County issues public health advisory due to coronavirus surge

Saratoga County has issued a public health advisory due to a surge in Coronavirus cases.
In the last seven days, 240 cases have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — 104.41 per 100,000 population — which has calculated the percent positivity at 4.46%.
Saratoga County Public Health Services recommends that everyone — fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated — wear a mask when indoors with people who are not members of their own household, outdoors in crowded settings, and when engaging in activities that involve close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.
SCPHS continues to offer weekly vaccination clinics throughout the county and encourages vaccination for those who are eligible.
To date, 80.3% of vaccine-eligible county residents and 70.1% of all county residents have received at least one dose of vaccine. This level of vaccine coverage has prevented a surge in severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalizations in our community. Those who are unvaccinated remain at the highest risk of infection, severe illness, and hospitalization.
SCPHS also recommends testing for those with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 disease and for those who have been exposed to a person infected with the virus, regardless of whether they are experiencing signs or symptoms or have been fully vaccinated; and other preventive measures that protect themselves and others.