Fire temporarily sidelines donuts at Indian Ladder Farms

Fire temporarily sidelines donuts at Indian Ladder Farms

The manager of Indian Ladder Farms said there's been an overwhelming amount of community support after a recent fire.

The manager of Indian Ladder Farms said there’s been an outpouring of community support after a recent kitchen fire.

The kitchen fire has shut down apple cider donut production for the time being.

It comes as the amid the farm’s busiest time of year: the months of September and October.

“We’ve had a huge outpouring of support from the community people offering for us to use their kitchens to make donuts and everyone wanting to know what they can do,” said Laura Ten Eyck, the owner. “It’s going to take some time for us to regroup, particularly for the kitchen which had severe damage, as well as the equipment.”

Indian Ladder Farms won’t be making donuts for a while because of the damage, she said.
However, the best way for people to help is to keep enjoying the farm and all that apple season has to offer, she explained.