Cancer survivors celebrated on Sunday, June 5

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"National Cancer Survivors Day" is coming up this Sunday, June 5. It’s a celebration day for those who have survived, an inspiration for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of support for families, and an outreach to the community.

This year marks 35 years of this celebration.

With nearly 17 million people living with and beyond cancer in the U.S. today – and more than 43 million cancer survivors worldwide – everyone knows someone whose life has been touched by cancer.

On Sunday, people around the world are coming together to acknowledge these cancer survivors, and to raise awareness of the challenges of cancer survivorship.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Albany, NY is celebrating survivors all month long.

In the last year, the group has helped more than 90,000 patients with programs and services designed to give cancer survivors strength and support they need.

MORE: American Cancer Society: Cancer Survivorship