Capital Region split on Biden’s vaccine mandate

Capital Region residents are reacting to the president’s mandate.

Clearly, if the president had his druthers, everyone in the country would have a double dose of the COVID vaccine.

Speaking with area residents, it’s also clear the president has stirred up a giant dose of controversy.

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The new rules amount to the most dramatic steps to date to get more Americans vaccinated.

President Biden says if you work for the federal government, you must be vaccinated.

There’s no option for being regularly tested or for opting out.

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In addition, businesses with 100 or more employees must ensure their workers are either vaccinated or tested once a week.

The new rules would take effect in the coming weeks.

Businesses that don’t comply could face fines of up $14,000 per violation.

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Hear reaction from Capital Region residents by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.