Clifton Park family raising awareness about military suicide

A Clifton Park family has been raising awareness about military suicide. This is a cause that is near and dear to their heart.

Michael and Jolee Hicks had a son named Macoy Austin Daniel Hicks, who took his own life in 2019 after serving in the Navy. The Hicks family started a non-profit called HicksStrong.

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Macoy Austin Daniel Hicks signed up to be in the Navy in 2016. Michael says his son had many struggles. Macoy was a part of the ceremonial guard. He had to do six to eight funerals a day, which took a toll on him. Macoy later was in a bicycle accident, which caused him to have a traumatic brain injury.

While in Washington state, Macoy served under a toxic command. Macoy was trying to get help, but was mocked. He had PTSD and decided to take his life. Macoy was only 20-years-old. The Hicks family started HicksStrong as a way to give veterans resources. They connect veterans with therapists and pay for their sessions.

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It is widely known that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. Michael believes that number is actually higher if you include active duty suicides.