Cuomo’s attorney says investigators are biased

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Moments before Gov. Cuomo announced his resignation, his attorney, Rita Glavin, held a virtual news conference through the state website, criticizing the attorney general’s report.

It was because of that news conference that many people believed the governor was going to fight it out and not resign.

For 45 minutes before Cuomo spoke, Glavin blasted the attorney general’s report and media coverage of the allegations.

Point by point, she was countering all of the allegations.

Her overall message what that she says the attorney general’s report, and the investigators are biased, leaving out key facts that didn’t fit their narrative.

"This was not about an independent review of the allegations and the circumstances surrounding them. From day one, this was about building a case against Gov. Cuomo," said Glavin.

Hear more about why Glavin says the report is not accurate by watching the video of Kumi Tucker’s story.