Dermatologist: Keep skin care products simple

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It seems like there are new skincare products constantly being advertised, but how do you know which ones to buy?

Kiyanna Williams, MD, a dermatologist with Cleveland Clinic, says it can be easy to get overwhelmed by skincare products, so try to keep it simple.

Start by picking a gentle cleanser for your face, but be sure it doesn’t have microbeads. That can cause irritation and inflammation to your skin.

Next, choose a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For example, some people may need one that is more hydrating.

Also apply sunscreen daily.

"Often times, the SPF in makeup and other moisturizers isn’t quite enough, often times it’s chemical. I recommend SPF 30 or higher every single day of the year, even in the winter, and then if you know you’re going to be out in the sun, golfing, at the beach, whatever, SPF 50 or higher," said Williams.

If you still feel unsure about what is best or are having other skin issues, you should consult with a dermatologist.