Distracted driving big reason for crashes by teen drivers

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We are in the middle of what is known as the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers. That’s the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Six in 10 car crashes by teenage drivers resulting in death happen because of a distracted driver.

According to AAA research, having just one other person under the age of 21 in the car with a teen driver increases the risk of death by 44%, with that increasing with more passengers. However, having an adult older than 35 in the car actually decreases risk of death by 62%.

For teens, they get a lot of their driving habits from their parents.

However, it’s also important to note that driving the speed limit and wearing your seatbelt are best practices to follow, not just for teens, but also for everyone on the road.

Learn about a new app that can help parents make sure their teen drivers are staying safe by watching the video.