Disturbing new details revealed in Guilderland rape case

GUILDERLAND – A school custodian with the Guilderland School District is behind bars, and school leaders are on high alert.

NewsChannel 13 has been trying to learn how 28-year-old Raquan Dyson got into a sexual relationship with a student. He is now charged with rape.

The school district sent a letter to parents Wednesday afternoon, clarifying when Dyson was in school. They say his custodian shift started at 2:30 p.m. That is one hour prior to school dismissal.

Police said the contact took place off school property.

The suspect lived in an apartment complex just steps away from where the alleged victim attended Farnsworth Middle School.

New court documents claim Dyson sent a 14-year-old girl a nude photo on Instagram, then later that day the two had a sexual encounter, during which Dyson is accused of raping her.

It happened Friday, in the morning of what was a school day. The Guilderland Central School District said the girl is a student at

Farnsworth Middle School, where Dyson was hired as a custodian in December.

Guilderland police arrested Dyson Tuesday, after they said he went to the girl’s house to have sex.
His access to school buildings has been revoked.

The district said he did not work during normal school hours.

Superintendent Dr. Marie wiles said they’re taking this very seriously.

"This hurts us as an organization to feel like something went wrong, so we will redouble our efforts to keep our children safe and we feel very privileged to be entrusted with children every single day," said Wiles.

NewsChannel 13 asked investigators a list of questions Wednesday, including whether the two first met inside the school building. They said they could not give us any more information.

Anyone else who may have been a victim is urged to call Guilderland Police.