Doctor sues Saratoga Springs butcher shop for $250k over mask mandate
A local eye doctor has filed a federal lawsuit claiming an area butcher was practicing medicine without a license.
Dr. David Kwiat walked into Primal in Saratoga Springs a little over two months ago. He was asked to wear a mask.
Kwiat argues that because a face mask is a medical device, when someone other than a doctor forces you to wear one, it constitutes practicing medicine without a license. That’s a felony.
Tim Howland is the Director of Operations at Primal. He calls the lawsuit nasty, deplorable and frivolous.

If the lawsuit is successful, the business stands to lose a quarter of a million dollars.
Even if the butcher shop wins the lawsuit – which they expect will happen – they’re still out the legal fees it takes to fight the case.
NewsChannel 13 asked the eye doctor about the mask policy in his own practice. See his response by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.