Friends celebrate JP Honsinger’s high school graduation

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CLIFTON PARK – JP Honsinger is graduating from Shen.

Many families mark high school graduations, but this one is especially significant.

"He loved school," said Jay Honsinger, JP’s father "School was good to him. It was a great experience. We really didn’t think he would make it to 18. We’re doing experimental treatment at Albany Med."

JP has Niemann-Pick Disease, a rare degenerative disorder, like a childhood Alzheimer’s.

His giant graduation party is an open house for eight hours, and a steady stream of friends stopped by.

JP’s mother said that seven years ago, they never thought they would be celebrating this day.

"The 518 community has just been phenomenal to us, and I’m sure to a lot of other families. Albany Med, great hospital, right in our backyard for children," said Jay Honsinger.

Troy K9 Officer Kyle Jones has a long friendship with JP. They met when JP was a little boy.

"It’s exciting. There’s a lot of people here, and I just wanted to be a part of it," said Officer Jones. "JP holds a special place in my heart."

Jones had an idea, and years ago, JP was made an honorary Troy police officer and then promoted to captain.

Their bond is still going strong today.

"We’re always here for JP and whatever he needs. We’ll always be by his side, no matter what. This is just one achievement of many."

JP is also a big sports fan and is an honorary member of UAlbany basketball. Former UAlbany player Joe Cremo stopped by the party to chat with JP.

The teen’s father said JP loved school and had a great experience.

His family says the 518 community has been phenomenal, and they told his friends that stopping by would be the best gift ever.

This is a celebration of accomplishment, of life, and of friendship.

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