Gov. Cuomo declares ‘disaster emergency’ to combat gun violence

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Gov. Cuomo is issuing the first-in-the-nation executive order declaring gun violence in New York as a “Disaster Emergency.”

He made the announcement at John Jay College of Criminal Justice In Manhattan Tuesday afternoon.

The executive order will allow the state to address the gun violence crisis by providing the necessary resources to combat the issue.

"More people are dying of gun violence and crime than COVID," said Cuomo, as he announced the move.

Cuomo says the comprehensive plan is composed of seven areas.

  • Treat gun violence like the emergency public health crisis it is.
  • Target hotspots with data and science.
  • Provide positive engagement for at-risk youth.
  • Break the cycle of escalating violence.
  • Get illegal guns off the streets.
  • Keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.
  • Rebuild the police-community relationship.

Tuesday’s announcement comes as the country struggles to curtail the uptick in gun violence.