Heavy rains cause extensive damage to Lake George resort

LAKE GEORGE – Thursday’s heavy rains are causing major flooding around the region.

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At the Lakefront Terrace Resort in Lake George Village, the torrential rains destroyed paradise, and ripped up a parking lot.

The damage to the property is extensive.

As the name suggests, the pristine, lakeside property is built on multiple terraces.

The fast-moving water flowing underneath the asphalt undermined the integrity of the ground and caused the defenseless driveway from

Route 9N all the way down the lake to crumble, starting around 10 p.m. Thursday. At daybreak the water continued to flow rapidly over, under and through the property.

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COVID has not necessarily been kind to resort owners here. That’s why the owner here, Ken McGurk, is anxious to fix this as soon as he can so that he can open for the season.

There are 71 rooms on this property. Many of them have already been booked for the summer.

For now, McGurk says he’ll have to contact his customers and tell them their vacation might be delayed.

McGurk tells NewsChannel 13 this has happened before, he’s already fixed it once, and now he has to do it again.
The cause of the problem needs to be remedied. Otherwise, he fears it will happen again.

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Learn about what he says keeps causing the problem and why it’s been so hard to get fixed by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.