Lenox couple working to track down source of disturbing hate mail

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LENOX, Mass. – A couple in the Berkshires got a disturbing letter in the mail. They believe it’s hate mail in response to a sign and a flag they have outside their home.

The envelope was addressed to "resident." It contained several pages of hate-filled and racist messages, mostly targeting Black people.

Jackie Ling Wong and her husband Paul Marshall are convinced whoever sent it did so because of what the couple has on display outside the home: A pride flag, a Black Lives Matter sign in the lawn and also a sticker right on their mailbox.

A police report was immediately filed.

NewsChannel 13’s media partners at The Berkshire Eagle were also contacted. The article by reporter Clarence Fanto is the top trending story on their website.

The couple decided to do an interview to bring awareness to this hateful act.

"What we experienced out of this, what’s going on in our country, is so minor compared to people who deal with this crap every day," said Marshall.

Hear their very different messages to the person who sent the hate mail by watching the video of Subrina Dhammi’s story.

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