Longtime Lake George teacher honored on his 80th birthday

LAKE GEORGE – A Lake George school teacher was thrown a surprise party on Friday to celebrate his 80th birthday.

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Don Corsetti has been teaching at Lake George since 1964, fresh out of Plattsburgh State. Technically, he retired in 2000, but he’s substituted nearly every day since.

His connection with kids and their admiration for him is the stuff of legend in Lake George. So it’s no surprise that the entire student body, all the faculty, and even former students lined the halls Friday morning as a drum line escorted "Mr. C." into the auditorium for an assembly that was both a birthday party, and an opportunity for the community to say thank you for 58 years of service.

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Learn about Mr. Corsetti’s secret for connecting with kids and hear the kids discuss what they love about him by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.