Police, sheriffs urge caution in high water after recent tragic accident

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With all the rain over the past few weeks, local police and sheriffs are warning about the dangers of boating and tubing on high, fast-moving water.

It was Friday when a 14-year-old Warrensburg boy died while tubing on the Schroon River with his family.

State police said Owen Harrington fell off the tube after hitting a downed tree in the water.

Saratoga County Sheriff’s Marine Unit rescued two kayakers from Kaydeross Creek this weekend because the water was too fast and too high.

"I would wait, yes. The weather is finally turning nice, people are eager to get out, but even a week or two, the waters will recede, the currents will slow down, that is the best advice for sure," said Warren County Sheriff Jim LaFarr.

"The water’s high, the water’s unpredictable at this time, with all the recent rain we have. Make sure you have a life vest on, let somebody know where you’re going," said Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo.

He adds if you have to kayak, find a calmer body of water until the water recedes.