Queensbury student mourned after COVID-19 death

There have now been more than 803,000 American deaths attributed to COVID-19. A very small percentage of them have been children.

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However, there’s sadness and grief throughout the Queensbury School District, after a student died from COVID earlier this week.

The Queensbury School District says the loss of 18-year-old Adam Sweeney has touched the entire Queensbury community.

To show support for Adam’s memory, friends, classmates, faculty, and staff wore Spartan blue and gold in school on Friday.

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District Superintendent Kyle Gannon describes Adam as a bright, witty and charismatic young man with a great sense of humor. He’s remembered as someone who has truly left a lasting impression on everyone who knew him.

Warren County officials confirm Adam passed away from COVID on Wednesday at Glens Falls Hospital, after his family tried unsuccessfully to have him transferred to Albany Medical Center, which had already reached its COVID patient capacity limit.

Warren County Spokesman Don Lehman says the last couple of weeks have been the hardest part of the pandemic in Warren County.

They’ve had their highest number of cases, and their highest number of hospitalizations.

Seven people have died of COVID in the county in the last three weeks.

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Hear how Lehman says he hopes this serves as a wake-up call for people who still haven’t been vaccinated, by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.