Republicans call for repeal of NY state’s cashless bail system

Presumptive GOP gubernatorial front-runner Lee Zeldin had his running mate, former New York City Police Captain Alison Esposito, by his side so the two of them could hammer away at Democrats over the issue of public safety on Thursday.

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They were joined by Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt and Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, along with more than one dozen other Republican officials gathered at state GOP headquarters, calling for the immediate repeal of New York state’s controversial cashless bail system.

Republicans say Democrats are choosing the side of criminals, while neglecting to help the people who are victims of crime. They also accuse the Hochul administration of creating a revolving door for criminals that they say is unsustainable.

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The call for change comes at a time of increasing crime in New York state and across the country, although the Brennan Center based in New York City, and others who have studied crime statistics have concluded there is "no evidence linking bail reform to the rise in crime" over the last two years.

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Hear more about why Zeldin and Esposito say this needs to be done, and then hear from a Democratic lawmaker