Saratoga Springs-based business providing portal to rent outdoor gear
If you’ve ever wanted to try kayaking, camping, or water skiing but don’t want to buy all the gear, a new Saratoga Springs-based business might have the solution – rent it from your neighbor.
Nick Daley started what he believes is the next big thing. It’s called Shurable and the idea came to him while hanging out on Lake George with family and friends and not having access to tubes, water skis and wakeboards.
"I just thought of ‘I see them all on someone’s dock. Why can’t I just go and rent it from that person,’ and boom, there kind of came the idea," said Daley.
It’s an online platform for posting and renting outdoor equipment.
It’s a combination of three words: sharing, ensuring satisfaction, and availability.
Daley calls it the Airbnb of renting outdoor gear. He’s so sure it will catch on, that he says in the next 10 years, you will be able to rent anything on the platform.
Hear from people already using Shurable, and what they think of it, by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.