Saratoga Springs man says dad lost on 9/11 was his best friend

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Don Kauth would wake up early Monday mornings and make the trip from Saratoga County to Manhattan for his job.

He’d work there all week and then travel home to be with his wife and four children on the weekends.

He was in the South Tower when the attacks happened.

His son, Patrick, describes his father as his best friend.

Kauth would always tell his four children find something you like to do, and do it.

It’s what motivated Patrick to make a career change, switching from finance to teaching.

Patrick was a freshman in college.

His father had just dropped him off at Merrimack College a few weeks before the September 11th attacks.

"I came in from class and a buddy of mine was saying ‘Can you believe this, what’s happening on TV,’" recalled Patrick. "It took me about a minute or two to realize, wait a second, my father works there."

"When I heard my mother’s voice, I knew it just was not good."

Don was an analyst for a prominent financial firm. He was working on the 85th floor of the South Tower.

After hearing about the attacks, Patrick came home right away. However, he was back at school a few days later, saying his father would want him to finish his education.

Twenty years later. He’s a history teacher at Albany Academies. He’s also a soccer coach there.

In addition, he’s a father of two, including a son who carries his grandfather’s middle name.

Hear what Patrick thinks his dad would say about our country 20 years later by watching the video of Subrina Dhammi’s story.