Saugerties court hearing set in case of missing girl found under hidden staircase

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The story of the little girl found hidden under a staircase continues Wednesday in court.

The three family members accused of abducting Paislee Shultis when the child was 4 years old will appear in front of a judge in Saugerties for a third time.

Saugerties police found the young girl in a room inside a staircase back in February at a home in Saugerties. She had been reported missing in 2019.

Kirk Shultis Jr. and Kimberly Cooper – Paislee’s parents who did have custody of her – are facing charges, as is Kirk Shultis Sr.

Shultis Jr. and Cooper are her biological parents, but lost custody a few years ago.

The three accused are set to appear Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m.