Schenectady County company hopes to be part of big window breakthrough

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A Schenectady County company, Sunthru, is developing a product that they say will be a game changer.

They’re called aerogels.

"Aerogels are pretty much like see through Styrofoam, so it feels just like how Styrofoam would feel," said John Costa, the CEO of Sunthru.

It’s 99% air, 1% material, but somehow these tiny pieces may have the potential to change the future of energy.

"To help fight climate change and reach a net zero future, we need higher-performance windows in the United States, and aerogels have for a long time been a product that can do that."

Learn more about how the technology works, how much money it could save the average homeowner, and how soon it could be in your home or business, by watching the video of Faith King’s story.