Similarities between Ferrellgas complaints 13 Investigates received

UPDATE: Ferrellgas says they did respond to Barbara Hennessey’s calls. Here is what the statement they sent to us:

Customer Barbara Hennessey calling us 22 times in 3 days without being able to get through, I have some statistics regarding our interactions. We log call times, dates, and durations in our system. We spoke to Ms. Hennessey 5 times on Monday, Feb. 7th from 8 am to 2 pm. Prior to those conversations, Ms. Hennessey called 10 times from approximately 11 pm on Saturday night to 10 am Sunday morning. Ms. Hennessey called 8 additional times on Monday the 7th and hung up before we could answer her call. These wait times ranged from 5 seconds to 2 minutes, 4 seconds. Ms. Hennessey left a voice mail with no message on Friday night. We provide 24/7 emergency coverage of our phones. Because Ms. Hennessey did not leave a message, we did not call her late at night. We offer our customers several ways to communicate with us: online chat, email, IVR, and a live representative during business hours. They can also order online through our website. It is highly unusual for a customer to contact us repeatedly throughout the course of a single day. We are answering calls in NY today in under one minute. I certainly sympathize with her situation, and we do our best to communicate as quickly as possible with all of our customers.


People are continuing to contact 13 Investigates for help with their propane deliveries. We’re hearing from a lot of our viewers, still dealing with delays in getting propane from Ferrellgas.

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13 Investigates found a common factor between many of the emails and calls the station is receiving: many people are contracted with the Galway Co-op.

The company has a contract with Ferrellgas to provide their members with propane.

The Galway Co-op has 15,000 members in the Capital Region.

13 Investigates was able to talk on the phone with the owner of the co-op, Michael Casadei.

He says he is furious with Ferrellgas.

Casadei said he is flooded with phone calls from upset customers about late deliveries from Ferrellgas, or they are completely out of propane.

Casadei said all he can do is take down the customer’s name, contact information when they placed their propane order, and what their tank reads when they call.

He sends along that information to the Ferrellgas general manager to try and help out.

We spoke to a woman named Barbara, who has a contract with the co-op. She says she was bone dry for two days before Ferrellgas showed up, even though she is on autofill.

Barbara is 71 years old. Her 14-year-old granddaughter lives with her.

She called the Galway Co-op four times for help. She finally reached them on Facebook messenger.

The co-op took her contact information down and sent it over to Ferrellgas.

"They tried to help. I am not sure they did all they could have done. I just believe Galway has to look for a new provider," Barbara said.

Barbara says she also called Ferrellgas 22 times over three days. There was no answer each time.

If you are experiencing this issue, you can file a complaint with the attorney general’s office.

Each complaint filed is sent over to Ferrellgas, making sure each complaint that comes their way is addressed.

NewsChannel 13 contacted Ferrellgas asking why is there still a delay. They declined to comment.

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To file a complaint, click here.