Some counties grapple with drastic staffing shortage at senior meal sites

Communities in Warren and Hamilton counties can’t find enough help to prepare and deliver meals to the home bound.

It’s another side effect of the pandemic, too few people to make meals for seniors who have trouble getting out or making food for themselves. Meal sites in Warren and Hamilton counties have had to temporarily close because they can’t find enough staff to do the cooking.

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They’re feeding and delivering to 30 or 40 homebound seniors in Lake Luzerne, but other communities, including Warrensburg and Chestertown have had to close their kitchens because the county can’t find the cooks to run them.

In many cases, homebound seniors are getting their meals in the mail.

"What this means is that they’re no longer having people coming to their homes three times a week, getting eyes on our seniors. It’s a dangerous situation. It’s not good for anybody. We need staff," said Johnsburg Supervisor Andrea Hogan.

If you’re interested, you’re asked to call the Warren and Hamilton Counties Office for the Aging.

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Learn how much the job pays by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.

MORE INFORMATION: Warren County meal site jobs