Some parents express concern about giving up masks in schools

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CLIFTON PARK – School districts around New York state have been waiting for additional guidance on back to school COVID precautions.

The state Department of Health said they would be issuing no further guidance and instructed districts to come up with their own plans.
As they try to figure it out, there’s a growing group of parents voicing an opinion that may surprise you.

The push all along has been to get kids back to school for a normal year with no hybrid or virtual learning, and no masks.
However, with the delta variant creating so much uncertainty, these parents would rather be safe than sorry.

The superintendent of Shenendehowa sent out a message to parents this week about back to school plans, saying in part:

The reopening plan as of now, the emphasis on "as of now", is based on tiered mitigation approach, including three-feet social distancing wherever and whenever feasible, cleaning and hygiene protocols, with a strong likelihood of students and employees wearing masks per the current CDC guidelines.

As the district continues to ponder the mask question, NewsChannel 13 hearing from some parents who are concerned the volume of anti-maskers who want to unmask or children may drown out the other side of the story.

Sharon Sgambati’s whole family caught COVID last September. She says her son is anxious about reinfection and potentially giving it to someone else. She says the simple practice of wearing a mask would put many minds at ease, even for those who didn’t have COVID.

"It’s hard as a parent when a 7-year-old and almost 10-year-old ask you, ‘What will school look like, Mommy, in September," and I have to say, ‘I have no idea,’" said Sgambati.

It’s not just those who have battled COVID who want to see Shen take a harder line on precautions like mask wearing.

Hear why another parent says not mandating the masks could end up being a social problem by watching the video of Jerry Gretzinger’s story.