Troy cops turn to community outreach to help address crime problem

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TROY – With recent crime in the Troy, the city’s police department is now trying to tackle the problem differently, through community foot patrols and outreach.

The program started this weekend, and Capt. Steven Baker says they’ve had great success. Officers are doing face-to-face to meet and greets with civilians in the community.

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He says this was all possible through state and federal grants that are now allowing these regular foot patrol officers to get overtime, while interacting with the community.

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"Our patrol officers only see people, typically, when they’re being bad, when they’re very sad, or they’re very mad. This gives them an opportunity for somewhat of a breath of fresh air, to get to individuals that are at their best," said Barker.

See how it was going so far on Tuesday evening by watching the video of Paulina Bucka’s story.

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