Restaurant owner speaks out after car crashes into patio

Restaurant owner speaks out after car crashes into his patio

Wednesday morning a car plowed right through a restaurant's outdoor patio in downtown Troy. Security footage shows the car ripping through Twisted Fiddler's, formerly known as Slidin Dirty, outdoor patio, almost completely destroying it.

TROY, N.Y. (WNYT) – Wednesday morning a car plowed right through a restaurant’s outdoor patio in downtown Troy. Security footage shows the car ripping through Twisted Fiddler’s, formerly known as Slidin Dirty, outdoor patio, almost completely destroying it.

Tim Taney is the owner of Twisted Fiddler, and he is just so thankful that no one got hurt.

“You know, this is the I mean, it gives me the chills to even think and think about what that would have been like if there was a patio full of people because you could see how quickly he was able to just turn that patio into nothing,” said Taney.

Taney is relived that this happened during the morning, so the restaurant was closed and therefore people were not on the patio.

“There’s a lot of, mixed emotions that go into that. My first thought was, thank God that there was nobody sitting on that patio or walking their dog or any number of things that could have happened,” Taney said.

Troy Police said the driver was a 14-year-old male who since been arrested.

The police also said he will be referred to the Youth Justice System and treated as a juvenile since he is under the age of 18. Prior to the incident, police said the 14-year-old stole the car that he crashed.