State approves plan for Lake George to rebury Revolutionary War remains

A long-sought goal to rebury Revolutionary War-era remains that were found at a Lake George construction site in 2019 got a step closer.

The state has approved a plan to reinter the remains of the 44 people found at the Lake George Battlefield State Park. 

Lake George town officials believe that these people died in 1776, when the area was the site of a smallpox hospital that treated soldiers of the Continental Army.

“To have the final resting place of these early patriots be here in our historic community, with all appropriate honors, is of immeasurable satisfaction to me and to all our residents,” said Town Supervisor Vincent Crocitto Jr. in a statement. “We have always felt they belong here, and we’re very pleased with the State of New York’s endorsement of the idea.”

Village Mayor Ray Perry said he is enthusiastic about the project.

“The remains were discovered in the village over five years ago in February 2019 during a construction project, and the care shown by all who have been involved since then demonstrates a great respect for the sacrifices made by these very early Americans,” he said in a statement.

The remains were found in February 2019 on Courtland Street. The village and town sought to have them reburied in the Battlefield Park. The town has been working with the Lake George Battlefield Alliance, a nonprofit group that promotes the park’s history, on plans for a memorial. 

The goal is to have the project completed by 2026 in time for the 250th anniversary of the signing of Declaration of Independence.

The town anticipates using some money from the Downtown Revitalization Grant and there will also be private funding from foundations, corporations and the general public.

People interested in the project status and a change to support the project financially can visit the newly formed website, or message the project email address at