What goes into protecting students on the school bus

School bus safety

Speeding past stopped school buses has been a problem for years. Here's how police are working to keep everyone safe.

Speeding past school buses has been a problem for years. There have been countless reports on the strict changes at the state level to keep kids safe when they get on and off school buses.

A handful of Capital Region school districts also added stop-arm cameras to school buses.

While these initiatives have made positive changes, the state still reports around 50,000 drivers pass school buses every day across New York.

13Investigates’ Tessa Bentulan wanted to get a closer look at all the ways officers are trying to protect students on school buses.

Not only is passing a stopped school bus illegal, but it’s also dangerous. You’re putting a child’s life at risk.

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple made 13Investigates aware of this persistent problem two years ago. It’s been on the I-Team’s radar ever since.

Tessa went on patrol with Deputy Chris Hughes last month and get a first-hand look at why Sheriff Apple has deputies follow school buses.

Deputy Hughes also showed Tessa about one of his most dangerous encounters in the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District.