Advocates for Medical Aid in Dying rally at state Capitol in Albany
Some lawmakers and advocates got back to work in Albany on Tuesday on their top priority for 2024 – the Medical Aid in Dying Act.
The group gathered at the state Capitol to push for the act, which is reappearing for the ninth year in a row.
It was first introduced in 2015, but has still not been brought to a vote.
Rev. James Galasinski of Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton was at the state Capitol on Tuesday to speak on behalf of a beloved congregant, who died from cancer while pushing for the bill.
“Death is life’s last great adventure. It is not to be feared or thought of as punishment that can only be saved by medical advances,” Galasinski said. “Death will touch us all, but hopefully not everyone has to suffer.”
Ten states and Washington, D.C. have already authorized medical aid in dying for terminally ill patients.