Albany Airport welcomes people fleeing from Florida hurricane

Albany Airport welcomes people fleeing from Florida hurricane

With Hurricane Helene bearing down on Florida's Gulf Coast, many residents of the Sunshine State are seeking refuge in other parts of the country. Many of those storm evacuees are finding safe harbor here in the Capital Region.

With Hurricane Helene bearing down on Florida’s Gulf Coast, many residents are seeking refuge in other parts of the country.

Many of those storm evacuees are finding safe harbor here in the Capital Region.

A few flights from Punta Gorda, Florida and Orlando, Florida touched down here in Albany around midday.

The folks who made it here said they feel fortunate they were able to catch a flight.

Many of the folks who were able to escape the path and the wrath of Helene were either fleeing their second homes or cutting their vacations short.

Some people said they’re using the storm as either an excuse or an opportunity to visit family or friends here in the Northeast, who they haven’t seen in a while.

Even though there is peace of mind for folks who have fled the danger zone, there is still quite a bit of anxiety knowing that family and friends stayed behind.

There’s also a heightened level of concern, not knowing if your home is going to be there when the storm subsides.

Those thoughts were passing through the minds of many passengers as they passed through the terminal here at Albany International Airport.

Hear from some of them by watching the video of Dan Levys story.