Albany County leaders warn parents as people celebrate Halloween

Albany County leaders warn parents as people celebrate Halloween

Albany County's top law enforcement leaders are among those reminding parents to keep a close eye on children and teens during Halloween.

Albany County District Attorney David Soares and Sheriff Craig Apple came together Tuesday morning to announce safety measures for Halloween.

They’re warning teens and young adults to keep Halloween fun and leave the mischief at home.

They gathered at the War Room Tavern on Eagle Street Tuesday morning to talk about Halloween safety. The tavern is installing more than 100 video cameras for extra security.

They referenced the mass shooting on Sunday near Tampa that left two people dead at a Halloween street party. Apple is also asking parents to be mindful of where their children are headed out.

“Know the neighborhood you’re going to. A lot of parents will take their teens and younger kids and they’ll drop them off in another neighborhood – and I kind of ask the parents as well, would you want people dropped off in your neighborhood,” said Apple. “So stay local, stay close to your home, know the neighborhood, know your neighbors.”

Most police agencies in Albany County will have extra patrols, Apple said.

As for people looking to create trouble, D.A. Soares said, “You will be identified and you will be held responsible. Not the kind of tone we really want to send out today, because it really is a festive day, but please know that we have a lot of resources available, and if your motive today is not to engage in revelry, but to go out there and engage in mischief, we have a couple of tricks and some treats for you too.”

Officials warn parents ahead of Halloween night

On this Halloween, police in Albany County want the scariest part of tonight's celebration to be the costumes.