Legislature passes bill to set max temp for classrooms

The New York State Legislature has passed a bill that would set a maximum temperature of 88 degrees for students to be in classrooms.
Mike Silvestri, the president of the Schenectady Federation of Teachers, told NewsChannel 13 that it is unbearably warm in classrooms, with a heat index of tripled digits outdoors. Some classrooms are reporting temperatures in the mid – to – upper 80s inside. Some school days have moved to half days to avoid the heat.
The heat has an impact on learning, Silvestri said.
“We’ve actually have objective evidence of this when we see the Regents exam scores drop based on what day it’s taken and based on the temperatures in the building,” he said.
The bill now heads to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s desk for her signature.
However, one of the bill’s cosponsors doesn’t believe the governor will sign the bill this legislative session. Assemblyman Phil Steck said we’re running out of time in the session.
“Hopefully next session we are able to get it done, because as you can see from what we are experiencing now, there is a definite need,” Steck said.