Capital Region, state leaders react to President Biden dropping out of presidential race

Capital Region and state leaders are reacting to the news President Joe Biden won’t seek reelection.

Gov. Kathy Hochul:

President Joe Biden announced today that he will not be seeking reelection this November.

He is an American hero and a true statesman, and I’m so proud of what he accomplished as President of the United States.

Without President Biden, we wouldn’t be building the Gateway Tunnel. Micron wouldn’t be investing $100 billion in manufacturing just outside Syracuse. And millions of Americans wouldn’t be finally getting relief from crippling student debt.

He led our nation from the darkness and chaos caused by Donald Trump, restoring our standing with nations worldwide and rebuilding our democracy here at home.

President Biden will go down in history as one of the greatest champions of working families our nation has ever known.

Thank you, President Biden, for your work to make a difference for New York and our country.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer:

“Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader but he is a truly amazing human being. His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.

“Joe, today shows you are a true patriot and great American.”

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar:

“The charade foisted on the country by irresponsible Democrats has come to an end. President Joe Biden should have stepped aside long ago, but he’s finally done the right thing and we applaud him for that. We wish him well in his future endeavors.  

“This nation is ready for fundamental change from the chaotic Biden years, and President Donald Trump is fully prepared to restore us to greatness. There is no one in the Democratic Party that can stop the momentum of reform that Republicans are leading.  Freedom is returning at long last.”

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey:

“Joe Biden ran for President to restore the soul of our country and defeat the greatest threat our democracy has ever seen. And that’s exactly what he did.

Few could have risen to the challenge the way Joe Biden has. He has restored our economy, defended our freedoms, and protected democracy at home and abroad. He has led with decency, empathy and brought Americans together.

President Biden’s decision today not to seek reelection is the ultimate example of putting the country first — something Joe Biden has done over and over again in his unparalleled career. We are all deeply grateful to President Biden for his lifetime of service.

Thank you, Mr. President.”

Jay Jacobs, New York State Democratic Committee:

“I admired Joe Biden when he was a United States Senator. I thought his selection as Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential pick was perfect for our country. I have admired Joe Biden’s decency, honesty, and his demonstrated courage in the face of the most difficult of personal adversities. Joe Biden has been one of our most successful and impactful Presidents – certainly one of the most productive in the past 60 years – and I have admired the job he has done under the most difficult of circumstances.

I have never admired Joe Biden more than I do today. Voluntarily ceding the nomination and forgoing a chance to serve for another four years in the job that he did so well in and spent a lifetime dreaming of attaining, is as noble an act as ever recorded in America’s political history. Joe Biden’s selflessness; his putting country and party above his own personal desires, places him in the category of every great political leader since George Washington set the standard some 225 years ago.

While the nation’s gratitude may be blurred by the politics of our current times, history will record and all will long remember Joe Biden not just for what he did as President, but for what he gave up, so that we may continue as that “shining city on a hill.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik:

“If Joe Biden can’t run for re-election, he is unable and unfit to serve as President of the United States. He must immediately resign.

The Democrat Party is in absolute free fall for their blatantly corrupt and desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office.

Every elected Democrat in America owns Joe Biden’s failed and feckless record causing the border crisis, Bidenflation, and chaos and weakness around the world. President Trump will win this November to save America.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand:

“President Biden has served our country with courage, compassion, integrity and decency. I am honored to have served in the Senate during his administration, which achieved historic accomplishments related to gun safety, veterans’ health care, infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, climate change, prescription drugs, and more. President Biden has improved the lives of millions of Americans and leaves behind a legacy that will echo for generations. On behalf of myself and every New Yorker: Thank you, Joe.”

Rep. Richard Neal

“Joe Biden has been the most consequential president in the modern era. In just three and a half years, he transformed the nation from the suffering and stagnancy of the pandemic to putting the people first and powering an economy that is now the envy of the world. The American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPs and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and so many more, will go down as historic pieces of legislation. He rebuilt the world’s strongest economy by investing in the American worker, made unprecedented investments in our nation’s infrastructure and our efforts to tackle the climate crisis, lowered prescription drug prices and health care costs for millions of Americans, enacted the first gun safety law in 30 years, and expanded care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances.

“Governing is not easy, but Joe Biden dedicated his life’s work to improving the lives of all Americans and ensuring we live up to our nation’s creed. His success weighs heavily on a grateful nation, and I will forever remain among his biggest fans. Thank you, Mr. President.”

Assemblywoman Pat Fahy:

“I support and respect President Biden’s decision not to seek the Democratic nomination. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump at the height of COVID and steered us out of the worst of the pandemic, leading a record expansion in healthcare coverage while creating a historic number of jobs for American workers and re-building an economy stronger than any other nation. 

Further, he made record investments in our nation’s infrastructure — roads, bridges, and more — while wrestling post-COVID inflation under control.

Finally, he’s been an unprecedented statesman in international diplomacy — leading the global effort against the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin by strengthening the NATO resistance to Russia’s land grab in Ukraine, while aggressively negotiating for peace in the Middle East.

We are grateful for his work on behalf of the American people, and I appreciate his willingness to pass the torch to a new generation of American leadership. Now, the work begins earnestly to defeat Donald Trump in November.”

Former President Trump released this statement on Truth Social:

“Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t – And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Congressman Mike Lawler:

“Though President Biden and I have not seen eye-to-eye on a number of issues, I recognize his deep commitment to our country, and thank him for his years of service to the nation,” said Congressman Lawler. “During a career that spanned 5 decades, the President committed himself to trying to better the lives of Americans, and while I disagree with his policy proposals, I appreciate his resolve and his sacrifices.”

Senator James Sanders Jr.:

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to President Biden for his dedicated service and significant achievements. As he steps back from the presidential race, we fully support the Democratic Party’s future representative. We also have full confidence in Vice President Kamala Harris to lead and continue building a better America should she be chosen. Together, we move forward with confidence and hope.”

Albany County Legislator Mark Grimm (R), Guilderland:

“President’s Biden withdrawal from the race and endorsement of V-P Harris for President leaves huge questions for the Democrats.

People may forget Harris ran for President in 2020 and dropped out of the race in December of 2019 before a single vote was cast. She wasn’t competitive at all.

(1) After a turbulent stretch as VP, what makes you think she would be a strong Pres. candidate? One of the Democrats’ key campaign issues is “saving democracy,” yet there is an apparent plan to endorse Harris and proceed with a coronation.

(2) How can you support democracy and also oppose any open process (“mini primary”) for the Presidential nomination?

(3) Will there be strong resentment from Biden supporters for having their candidate pushed out?”

Albany Chief City Officer Dorecy Applyrs:

“I was very excited to support the Biden Harris ticket, and I’m looking forward to supporting the Harris ticket. She is poised and positioned to lead.”