D.A. Soares calls for changes to raise the age

Albany County District Attorney David Soares pushing for the end of the raise the age law by releasing crime statistics.

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This comes within the week that Albany Police reported arresting a 17 year old for fatally shooting a 21 year old last weekend.
D.A. Soares sent out information about the current overview of the raise the age law from October 2018 to July 2023.
The data shows that nearly half, 45 percent, of all violent offenders have re-offended after committing a felony under raise the age.
The law changed the age that a child can be prosecuted as an adult to 18 years in criminal cases in New York state.
At a meeting Thursday night, D.A. Soares had strong words about the case.

Before passing the raise the age law, New York was one of two states that automatically prosecuted 16- and 17-year olds as adults.
Those in favor of the law say it unfairly punishes youth and prevents rehabilitation efforts.
Advocates supported raise the age, saying this unfairly punished youth and prevented them from receiving the services they need to rehabilitate themselves.