Deadline arrives in Mayfield animal abuse case

GLOVERSVILLE — Colonel Sanders stole his foster’s heart.

“He was in rough shape, swollen feet, not the best condition, and I brought him into the grooming room and he kind of looked at me and cocked his head and I went okay, what’s one more?” said Harvey’s Pet Head Groomer Katie Dingman, with a laugh.

Dingman took him home and she says it feels as if he’s always been there.

Now woman and dog are a happy “foster fail.”

“We were waiting. It was up until today,” she said. “So this whole time I was really hoping that I’d get to keep him and I’m going to get to sign the adoption forms and have another foster fail. I truly believe that they pick you.”

Animal advocates at the Fulton County Regional SPCA are celebrating.

“We did receive good news that all of the dogs are available for adoption,” said Renee Earl.

More than 50 dogs and other animals were seized from Kelly’s Haven in Mayfield in July.

Sue Kelly had five days to pay a $235,000 bond for their care, as ordered by Mayfield Judge John Papa last week.

“We cried, we cried,” said Earl. “We were happy that the judge ruled in our favor.”

Kelly failed to pay and forfeited the animals. As of Wednesday, they can now be put up for adoption.

Bear is an older boy who investigators say used to live in a truck at night and was tied to a tractor during the day.

Ruby is also a senior dog, and shelter officials want to see both of them live out their days in comfort.

Investigators say they found filthy, deplorable conditions and animals without enough clean water or shelter at Kelly’s Haven this summer.

The dogs have gotten a lot of TLC at the Fulton County Regional SPCA.

Crystal Scocco is a dedicated volunteer.

“I just love the animals, I love seeing them get into their great homes, forever homes,” she said.

She’s been helping them not just physically but also emotionally, and they’ve thrived.

“All it takes is a lot of loving,” said Scocco. “That’s all it takes and they’re doing fantastic.”

Other dogs, like quiet Mona, are now being boarded at Harvey’s Pet in Johnstown. Aspen is there too, full of energy, and ready to find a new, loving home.

“We need a lot of special homes,” said Earl. “Those people who are going to be a little more understanding that the dogs aren’t going to be able to immediately go into a home and act like a normal dog. They’re going to need a little more patience, a little more understanding.”

You can find adoption information here: