Economic vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. alive through Hudson program

Monday is a national holiday in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

King is celebrated for his fight for civil rights for Black Americans and the poor.

However, a lesser-known dream of Dr. King’s was an economic package that never got adopted – until now. Observers say King was frustrated near the end of his life that the civil rights movement did not lead to economic parity for Blacks. So he began to push what he called a guaranteed income project.

The money would in turn give them agency over their lives.

It was thought of as a radical idea at the time and never materialized.

His dream is now alive in more than 100 cities – including Hudson, New York.

Under the Universal Basic Income Program, participants receive $500 a month – for five years – to do what they want with.

Meet one of the recipients to see how he says it’s improved his life by watching the video of Elaine Houston’s story.