Albany mayor, police chief talk fireworks safety as July 4 approaches
As we approach the Fourth of July, city officials in Albany are reminding residents to celebrate the holiday safely and legally.
All fireworks – including sparklers – are illegal in the city of Albany.
In addition to safety reasons, the city says fireworks have a negative impact on neighborhoods.
Mayor Kathy Sheehan says it’s disruptive to animals, families and previous service members who may be dealing with PTSD.
Police Chief Eric Hawkins says be courteous to your neighbors and other people in the city.
He also says calls this time of year increase dramatically, so it takes officers away from potential priority calls.
He says when officers respond to these types of things, it’s usually because a concerned neighbor called, and that takes away from other priorities.
The annual fireworks celebration at the Empire State Plaza will be held on the Fourth of July. It kicks off at 5 p.m., with live music and a naturalization ceremony.
The fireworks themselves are slated to start at 9:15.
There will be several road closures and parking restrictions