Forced out families eagerly wait for repairs at Troy apartment building

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It’s been inconvenient and agonizing for dozens of Troy families, who were forced out of their apartments on Thursday evening.

The city declared 58 units at Harbour Point Garden Apartments “unfit for human habitation.”

If you were to quickly glance at the two-story brick buildings, you might not think anything is wrong.

After inspectors from the Troy City Codes Department took a closer look though, it was clear to them these buildings needed to be shut down right away.

The problem is that rain has been running off the rooftops, seeping in behind the bricks, and separating the brick facades from the building structure.

The fear is that bricks might fall on residents, including small children.

Now folks are anxious to move back home and resume normalcy as soon as possible.

Meantime, temporary living quarters for these families are now area hotels from the city, or any other arrangements the residents are making.

Hear from one of them – and from the city as to when this could all be fixed – by watching the video of Dan Levy’s story.