Former Albany Med caregiver due in court over ring theft

Former Albany Med caregiver due in court over ring theft

A former caregiver accused of stealing a wedding ring from a patient at Albany Medical Center is due in court.

A former caregiver accused of stealing a wedding ring from a patient at Albany Medical Center is due in court.

Caitlin Mullaney is accused of taking jewelry off a 75-year-old patient as the person was sleeping.

Mullaney, who was working as a patient care technician, rejected a plea deal last month that would have put her in prison for up to three years.

Mullaney could have served as little as six months in jail if she returned the ring to the patient’s family, the court said.

At first, she denied stealing the ring. Then Mullaney claimed she threw it in a field and offered to lead police to it.

Now she says the ring might be in a pawn shop, and she says it’s possible it has been melted down.

She’s facing up to four years in prison if she is convicted of grand larceny.