Gloversville celebrates first splash pad

GLOVERSVILLE — Children in Gloversville have another way to cool off and have fun this summer.

The city’s new splash pad at Trail Station Park on West Fulton Street was up and running Thursday, but today was the official grand opening.

It will be open every day from nine until eight.

Not all the amenities have been installed yet, but the spray pad and lawn and benches are done.

The city got a $365,000 grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for the expansion of the park and the splash pad itself.

“Where I’m standing on this grass with all these kids playing in the water right here used to be parking lot! And now it’s been turned into a community amenity to bring people together. It’s a hot, humid day and people are enjoying themselves and the kids are already out, testing the merchandise,” said NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Erik Kulleseid.

“There was some talk years ago and we thought it a perfect fit because there’s a lot of liability with pools, pools are a lot more upkeep,” said Gloversville Councilman Jay Zarrelli. “I thought a spray pad would be safe, but yet still be fun for kids, and even adults. I’ve seen adults in here using it too.”

This is the first phase of the expansion of Trail Station Park, one of the projects through a $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant from the state.

The next phase will include a building with restrooms, a kitchen, and a special event space.